Tuesday. Just perfect.
Today Hump Day. Sunny.
Tomorrow? Perfect.
Lots of bugs up on the surface yesterday. A real honest showing. A mega hatch? No, not yet.
But certainly enough to get the upward looking trout doing push-ups.

Some difficult fish out there. John and I bumped into quite a few that were damn tough. Too tough for me really. Crips, emergers, softies, duns, spinners. A fish on each one, but not as many as I would have guessed. John and I out filming a fall segment and I did not put many to the net. I whiffed on several fish.
I should really fish more.
Some easy fish must be somewhere. We did fish to some pretty obvious rising fish spots. Maybe find some fish that do not beat on often. Just a suggestion.
A bundle of weeds floating down the river. Lots. They are on the super release. Water temps slowly falling @ 1 degree/4days. Currently at 54F. Missouri River water flows are 3100cfs. We’d really like a little more water. 30% more would be welcomed.
Better streamer fishing with more flow. Better dry fly fishing with more flow. Better all the way around. Will we get our normal winter upswing? Only time will tell my fishy friends.
Ghost trout-town began Monday. Much quieter on the water Tuesday. Quite nice.
Let us know how we can help when in the fishy ‘burb of Craig Montana.
And many thanks to you the reader. We write the Missouri River daily blog for you the fanatical Missouri River angler. Thank you.
Thanks for writing this blog. Even though I’m from Chicago, I read it daily and look forward to the writing and pictures. Had a great week on the Missouri earlier in October. Thanks to all the Headhunters staff that helped with suggestions on everything from lodging to guides to flies to wading spots. Already looking forward to my return next year.
Thanks for writing this blog. Even though I’m from Chicago, I read it daily and look forward to both the writing and the pictures. I had a great week on the Missouri earlier in October. Thanks to the Headhunters staff who offered advice on everything from lodging to guides to flies to wading spots. I’m already looking forward to my trip to Craig next year.
I fish year-round in CT and this blog is my favorite daydream material. Love the Big Mo, try to get out there every year. Your shop has been great every time…P.S. Thank 7 Wt. for me!
How crazy is this? My first search each morning is to your site. Just checking in on you guys and your lovely part of our country. The latest goings on in Craig, the Mo and the fly fishing world. Weird, I live in South Carolina, fished the Missouri only once and then I ended up being the designated “guide” and boat captain for my two companions, so I wasn’t truly fishing, at least not much. Keep all of those gorgeous photos, fishing reports, gear reviews and general knowledge coming. This lost in the south guy needs his daily fix. Thanks for starting my day on the right foot.
Read your blog EVERY SINGLE DAY here in Michigan. I get my ‘out west ya-ya’s’ from your reports and I love the pics John posts too. Cannot tell you how cool it is to read this post EVERY SINGLE DAY and then, when my butt is plopped onto a chair at Izaaks, count how blessed I am to be ‘there’. You are my ‘Travers Corners’. Thank you.