Hydrate for all day long success!
A glass of water is what separates many from fishing well all day long.
Yes, as simple as that.
I bet I only have a couple of guests who consume enough water. I know I can count them on one hand.
How about you? Do you drink enough water to fish well all day long? I bet you don’t.
Most don’t.
I try to get a gallon in me during the guide/fishing day. It helps. Then I don’t feel hungover getting off the water at days end. Hangovers suck.
The reason most give when I ask them to drink more water is
“If I drank more (any) water, then I’d have to go to the shore.”
My response is
“If you drank more water, then I’d have to use the net more.”
Your choice.
Drink more water. Catch more fish.
Trust me, I’m a guide.
Always pound the water everyday everywhere…If you ever pass a kidney stone you will appreciate drinking lots of water…
Beer is MOSTLY water……..does that count?