Two Forbidden Dry Fly Maneuvers

Two Forbidden Dry Fly Maneuvers

Fly pattern does not matter if you do one or both of the Two Forbidden Dry Fly maneuvers listed below.

  1. Angler chooses not to cast at the target. The rising trout. Instead he or she chooses to cast well above target, the trout. Usually 5-22 feet. When trout are close to the surface they see, their vision window, is an area that is minute. Sometimes as small as a coffee saucer. Rule #1 to catch more trout is Cast at them. Like you are shooting their eyeball out.
  2. Angler forgets what this statement means. “Reach mends, or casts, comprise of 100 out of 100 casts. That statement means 100 out of 100 casts need to employ some sort of slack line technique whereas the fly can drift as if there is not a string dragging it from, or across, the target. The rising trout.

Those are rules. The angler cannot ignore the two concepts above. And expect to catch trout on the floaty flies.

So if you want to catch them on the Mo with a dry fly, do not execute the Two Forbidden Dry Fly Maneuvers any more. Never.

Trust me, I’m a guide. 

dry fly rules, SOL
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  • Careful boss. You keep posting stuff like this you’ll make better fisher people…

  • Rule 1 question: don’t you slack line and land above the feeding lane a couple of feet so you don’t spook them or is the 5-22 ‘ comment making a point that most vast way too far above the target?

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