Dry Fly Fishing De-Evolution

Spite Hill Caster

Spite Hill Caster

Just dreaming on this Monday.

Reminding myself, and all of you out there, to practice casting.

I practice in my garage with my practice rod. The inclement weather, and the damn incessant wind , will keep the practicing inside for the time being.

49F today in Craig. Felt great. Not too windy.

February. Next month is March. Oh man. It is coming. Trout Season is coming!

Been thinking a bundle about how to improve. Thinking of an article about learning, how to learn, why we learn, and the dedication it takes to become passable, or good, or great as a fly caster.

It is much harder than 99% of anglers believe.

Dreaming is one thing. Fantasizing is another. Lying to yourself is bad. Mis-understanding the difficult path to excellence is a common American problem.

And it holds true in fly fishing the Mighty Mo as well.

We will uncover some citing progression truths this week ahead.



Casting, ECHO Micro Practice Rod, Fly Rods, Practice
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