Friday Fishing Report and NBCR

Friday Fishing Report and NBCR

Mo River Flows approx. 8K. Probably rising this week with the forecast including rain.

LPP at about 225cfs. No issues.

The Dearborn down to 600cfs this week, now crawling back up. Will have add’l color today. But most of that mud, dirt, detritus has already pushed through.

No issues traveling downstream with the percentage of the flows, primarily the Mighty Mo.

Nymphers are deeper. Not as people, but as a practice. Use split about 6′-7′. PT’s/mayfly nymphs and the derivations thereof are the rage right now. PMD’s in the water column as the French Franchise has gotten back on track. Check out the many patterns that HH of Craig has for the next month of bead diving. Zebra’s, worms, LGM’s, and the plethora of Euro nymphs in stock today.

Swingers finding less waster to fish as the flows rise. Come in for the tips on this patient discipline. PMD, BWO soft hackles can be hot this time of year. Caddis too. Larger wet flies are what some are swinging, others like flashy streamers. Skagit Heads with the flows currently, moving towards the Scandi end soon?

Dry Fly anglers dawn and dusk. Mid day with the cloud cover. Looks good for the week ahead. Caddis, BWO, March Brown, and Midge will keep you searching out there.

Strippers like the flash, white, and deep. Tips are en vogue. Come in and buy the tight streamer line for your journey. If the fish do not see the fly, they do not eat the fly. Rule number 1 in fishing. Gotta show the bait to the trout.

Memorial Day Weekend ahead. Be nice. Enjoy the holiday and your family/friends. Understand that busy times at boat ramps are easy to know. 8-10 is busy putting in. 3-6 is busy taking out. If you can, avoid these high traffic periods.

And a note to boats who encroach on wade anglers, or posted up boats. Hey, you got a boat, with oars, and you are floating many miles. If you gotta crush some wade fish angler, you are not too concerned with your fellow man. If you gotta float in that 100′ region where this wade angler is standing, then you must not be too good man. You gotta float in that 100′, with that angler already there? Use the water, the other 200′ of room between you , and the other bank. No reason, on this huge resource, to get real close to another angler. You cannot go around and leave a little bit of room for that angler? You gotta crush that dude? Lame is what this author says. Go around. If you gotta use that 100′ too, in your thousands of feet drift, miles in fact, then…be fair, loving, understanding, and show that you too are in this for the beauty, the learning, the enjoyment of the day, and the enjoyment of others too. Share the water with all.

New Breed Chicks Rule image today with Bug her dog, and this Rainbow fishing with Guide Peter Longoria.


fishing report, friday, New Breed Chicks Rule
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Tuesday Fishing Report Montana’s Missouri River near Craig

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  • I personally like when boats are close enough to see the giant brown in my net. Makes it feel like my own personal fishing show. Just messin. Good post. 🤙🏼

  • Todd M Samson
    May 26, 2023 10:38 pm

    Thanks, Fish ski!

  • Barry Walker
    May 27, 2023 6:20 am

    “Not as people, but as a practice.”

    Possibly your best joke ever!

  • Only issue i ever have is with the guides.. they aeem to like their coomon holes for their clients even if you are already anchored in one fishing, the will row right up to you.. i let the last one know it wasn’t appreciated he said well your going to have a fun day because there are 100 more behind me, he was kidding had a dozen more do the same throughout the day.. literally could have slapped his boat with my oar. Makes it tough to be respectful on the flip side.. were many that were respectful too but still frustrating

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