Friday Foto Summer Dreams

Mid Week Fishing Report Headhunters Fly Shop Craig Montana

Flows dropping today to 4100cfs.

Water Temps 58F.

PMD’s and Caddis currently hatching on the upper and lower reaches. Yellow Sally’s on the lower half.

Best post up dry fly action on the upper half. Good blind fishing dry flies riverwide, although the Cascade reach has been slow.

Nymphing solid. Most are deep after the light comes on the water in the morning. The water depth is decreasing daily, adjust your rigs accordingly. Split shot is back with the advent of the sunshine in the sky. Short for some if you are first to the fish or are super stealthy. PMD’s continue to rule the nymph world with the Split Case charging ahead along with Frenchie, S & M, Little Green Machine, PMDipity, Magic Fly PMD, Zebra, Bloom’s Tung Dart, Tungsten Jig PMD, Jig Napoleon PMD, Micro May, Tailwater Sow, SJW Orange, Tungsten Frenchidipity Yellow, Blooms Weight Fly Yellow or Purple, Keller’s Jog PMD,Tungsten Jig SF PMD and more.

Dry fly gang loving the recent past. Cripples, spinners, and emergers. Find a fly you  can wee and fish it. Love the longer flags on s few of the PMD ripple patterns. Caddis making a move in your fly box. CDC and Elk, X Caddis, Translucent Emerger or Translucent Pupa floated on top, All Stages Caddis only at HH, Flambe Caddis, X2 Caddis, Finch’s Hangman PMD, Hi Vis PMD Spinner, Guide Wanna SPinna Rust, PMD Missing Link, Caddis Missing Link, Ninch’s Sacked Out Rusty Spinner, Daigle’s PFD Parachute PMD, and so much more! Best Flies Under the Big Sky @ HH of Craig!

Again, water flow coming down today. 4100 cfs. Will be our summer flow. Lake is full. Inflows are lower than outflows. It is summer. Stability is key.

Hot and cold weather with the wind making an appearance this week. Rain too.

Weekends exceptionally busy. As busy as we get here. Reminding me of 2015. Lots of boats up top. Lots of boats in the lower canyon. Wade fishers out today in the non-local local wade fish spots. More tomorrow as the flows bottom out.

Shuttles daily. Killer flies in the shop. Cool hats and T’s for the travelers. Tons of ly lines including the Headhunter Fly Line V2 in the shop today. RIO, SA, ORvis, Wolff, and OPAST fly line bonanza. A fabulous selection beyond your wildest dreams for the fly lover, tippet, leaders, sunscreen, sun hoody’s, hats…

Open daily 6am.


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