Squeeky Oar Lock is cold. The New Year will bring some goo fishing...swinging flies for the next 4 months. Then...spring brings dry fly fishing. Hooray!
Silly Saturday Scenery Eagle Shot This fella in the sun flaring. Have a safe weekend! Fishing is quite good. Floaters abound as well. Crowds end Monday with cooler weather. Streamer fishing Monday?
Rolling into September 2023. All good here as we welcome Autumn with cooler daytime highs, today only forecast to reach the 80F mark. The nighttime lows are not dipping below the 40F point yet, but it Isi certainly coming soon.…
Silly Sunday Scenery Headhunters Life All good at Headhunters of Craig Montana. Sunny and warm for the next week. Tricos in the am for the dry fly set followed by hopper/ant afternoons. Nymphers like the dam and Zebra midge for…
Statewide Fisheries Management Plan Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) recently released for public comment their new draft comprehensive Statewide Fisheries Management Plan. “The intent of the statewide management plan is to let people know not only what FWP does but…
Straight Lines | John G “I don’t always want things to go straight”…simple words stated assertively and without pretense as we slowly drift downstream on a moving ribbon of clear blue looking glass, filled with illusions and internal promises of…
Missouri River Fishing Report 8.24.23 Flows in the mid 4K’s. Average. Perfect. Water temps low at 62 in the am, a bit higher during the day. No fear of closures or fish health issues based on water temps. Weeds a…
Stick Figure | Edge of the Ocean Video One of SOL’s fav’s these days is Stick Figure. This mighty river flows to the ocean. I guess they all want to. Think about that one. The second sentence. Trico’s still pretty…
Mo River Water Temps looking good 61F on that chart. Looks like we will get through the summer without restrictions here on the Might Mo. We like that. Mornings still rule. Afternoons not as slow as of late. Weeds in…
Bashin’ Trash 2023 UMOWA Event UMOWA Speaks below… With summer coming to an end, we wanted to let everyone know about some exciting things happening this weekend! 1. You have an opportunity to help our team participate in the…
Craig Caddis Festival Saturday August 19th General Timeline 3 p.m. Vendors -The parade kicks off the afternoon – don’t miss it! Line up at 2:45 at the fire station to participate and have your cameras ready at 3 when floats…
Baseball with the HH Gang Saw the GF Voyagers win it Tuesday nite 5-4. 40+ HH on hand for this activity. Dogs were good, beer was cold, Sara got a foul ball, fellowship was fantastic. Hey, want to work at…
Time for Living HH Day Off Time for Living baby. If you don’t like Punk Rock you may not like this tune. Day off for us here in Craig. Great Falls Voyagers tonight with the entire HH gang. Open tomorrow,…
5 Tips for Missouri River August Success Go early. Early bird gets the worm. First to fish is a good plan. If you think about warfare and the tactics that never fall from favor, you will understand. If you like…
Headhunters Fly Shop Closed Tuesday August 15th Yep. Closed this coming Tuesday. One Day Only! A rare day with not one guide trip on the water. We have a shop sponsored ball game in Great Falls that evening and why…
August 12th Missouri River Fishing Report Not too bad out there for this August 12th Missouri River Fishing Report. Fished this morning again before the heat of the day. When is the heat of the day occur? Seems like 11am. 11am…
Hopper Box Is this the best hopper fishery in the west? Nope, not by a long shot. Do we fish grasshoppers on the Mighty Mo? Oh yeah. Would I come to the Mo for the hopper fishing alone? Oh, no…
Just Add Vise Zebra Midge Tying Kit The best nymph for the Mighty Mo? Open to discussion. But you could argue that more fish have been caught on this pattern than any other nymph. So why not tie a bundle…
Missouri River Monday Fishing Report 8.7.23 Drizzle and rain this past weekend. A nice cooling effect for us here in central Montana. While the warmer water temps have affected the remainder of the state and beyond, the cool tailwater of…
Silly Sunday Scenery Trico’s. Tricorythodes. The Mo has lots of them. Daily, For 4-10 weeks. It’s good right now if you like this sort of thing. It is summer. Many are up top near the dam, nymphing. You have some…
UV Para Ant Just Add Vise Tying Kit UV Para Ant Fly Tying Kit The ant is a popular fly for the Missouri about 6 months of the year. Those who do not believe in the ant, that is OK.…
Missouri River Montana August Water Forecast Warmer and wetter than normal is there NOAA August forecast. Normal water conditions. Cooler this next week. Let’s hope it continues. Dry fly anglers smiling. Not much DFO pressure. Most anglers nymphing. Both are…
A couple on an ant Long time Mo River Outfitter/Guide Tim Plaska/Missouri River Expeditions and Mark fished Tuesday. Got a couple on an ant. Also Trico Spinner, CDC. Caddis, PMD Spinner, Parachute Adams, Purple Haze. Sizes 14-20. Once again, drift…
UMOWA Boat Raffle Check it out. Win yourself a new RO Drifter. Scan the QR code and enter today! Help the river, and get your son to row you around for life. What’s better than that? Nothin’.
Friday Fishing Report from Your Information Source in Craig Montana Update from your full time information leader in Craig Montana. Open daily for guide trips, shuttles, nightly cabin rentals, the Best Flies Under the Big Sky, rental boats, and so…
The twice annual Reach Cast discussion kicks off today this Thursday in late July. The other time we talk about this is when me, Mark, has nothing else to say in the mid winter. Or nothing of value daily to…
We rarely say… The dry fly fishing is damn good. At least on Monday. Water under the bridge? Yep. Tomorrow, Tuesday. Will the fish be as bitey? Who knows. We do know that warm night promote early fish rise. If,…
Sunday Mo River Drifter A hot one out there this weekend. Anglers out just after daybreak. Afternoon nap. Slept in. Splash and giggle out at the crack of noon. Nearing the latter part of the month. July. Minute Treeeeco’s or…
Weekend Fishing Report Montana’s Missouri River in Craig Short and sweet today. Your information source here on the Mighty Mo. Headhunters in downtown Craig MT. Flows dropping according to the BOR. Threatening 4500ish. Currently 5100ish. Perfect. We love 5-6K. They…
Friday Fly Box Image Get out your dirty caddis fly box . Employ the flies that scumliners enjoy. The dirty flavors. Need some? Come by the shop. We got dirt.
Mo Flows are Perfect You like dry fly wade fishing? Or wade fishing at all? Then this is your time. We like 5K-6K. But will accept lower flows. Enjoy your Thursday. We will be hanging at the shop daily 630.
Wednesday Mo River Fishing Update Flows currently 4770cfs. Wadeable. Trico’s am. Spinner falls daily, unless the wind blows them away. PMD spinner fall mid morning and into the afternoon some days. Saw good caddis hatches before noon and into…
X Caddis Just Add Vise Tying Video A great fly for many rivers. Including the Missouri in June, July, August, and September. Just those four months. Tie it up and fish it. We like sizes 14, 16, and 18. How…
Monday Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 7.17.23 All good on the Mo River front. July is half over and the dry fly fishing has been good, the flows are declining, the weeds are not terrible yet, and most are smiling.…
The Headhunter Fly Line Today speaking about the Headhunter Fly Line. A dry fly line designed by Headhunters manufactured by RIO for our dry fly obsessions! It is finally dry fly season here on Montana’s Missouri River. And no better…
A PMD dry fly caught Brown Trout. Trusty Rusty Spinner. Love it. You coming to see a few PMD rise forms this month? How about next. We will welcome you. We love talking about trout.
Efficiency. A Blog by Max Mattioli Today Max Mattioli writes this fantastic article bout trout fishing with the dry fly. A great read and thanks to you Max for this Thursday article! Want to fish with Max in 2024? Look…
Even Flow: Releases dropping today, tomorrow, the following… Sunday today to 6800cfs. Monday dropping to 6200ish/cfs, Tuesday to 5600cfs-ish. Even Flow soon? Yeah, most likely.
Zirdle Bug Just Add Vise Kit and Video Many fish the Zirdle as the top fly on the deep water nymph rig. Emulates crayfish, or just something that resembles food. A popular fly throughout the summer months including July. And,…
July 6th Fishing Report Montana’s Missouri River Trico’s have arrived. Good spinner falls yesterday and today. Riverwide. Tomorrow? Flows continued higher than normal. Currently 8230cfs. Inflows at Toston falling and into the high K’s. Reduction in flows soon? We think…
Sunday Imagery from HH of Craig Ahh, the Dearborn 2023. A pleasant flow year. Lots of water, one float period, good fishing. What is not to like? Next year. We will see y ou again this coming year. If you…
Silly Saturday Scenery from Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service in Craig Montana. This juvenile Eagle resting on a limb downstream of Craig. Regal Eagle. The fishing is damn good. For those who like to dry fly fish. Holiday weekend…
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks asks for your help in reminding recreationists of the new requirement for a Conservation License. Beginning July 1, everyone ages 12 and older will need a Montana Conservation License to access most state lands. For…
PMD Friday If you have dry fly fished here before you know the drill. Cripples, emergers, spinners. Although I have seen some eating the dun this year. A reminder as we head into the holiday weekend to practice humility, positive…
5 Tips for Late June Fishing Montana’s Missouri River June is a favorite month of dry fly anglers and nymphers alike. Great PMD hatches with daily opportunities for casting dries at feeding trout and bobbering a few up with Frenchie’s…
Tip ‘O the Day When Dry Fly Fishing on the Mo…Cast at the trout. P.S. At their heads man. Not above them, 4′-19′. At them, cast at them, at their heads, at the trout, at them.
CraigLodging.com Gate House New Property Just came online this cool and near the river nightly rental property the Gate House. Available this summer, now, which is rare for premier properties like this. But, with the advent of this location just…
Buzzball Fly Tying Just Add Vise A great fly for the Mo. Squeeky’s favorite summertime pattern. Been tossing it the past couple weeks. A good time for sure. It is not red hot, yet. It will be. No wing profile…
Headhunters Fly Shop Mo River Fishing Report 6.22.23 Flows tolerable at 10300cfs. Will it drop to 6K soon? Most likely. When? Don’t know. Ask Mother Nature. Fish up in spots. Soft edges. Reach casts needed as of a couple days…
Wednesday Nite Only @ Craig Taphouse Jazz and FlyFishing @ Craig Taphouse Wednesday June 21st From Jazz & Fly Fishing: “In June 2023, the world’s only fly fishing and film making jazz quartet is embarking on their next big project,…
Water Falling Tuesday And that is OK. Rain locally, and around the state may cause further rising tides. Or not. Lake is full. This river, as they all, must fall. Forecast to drop to 10250cfs Tuesday at 1pm. Cool. Happy…
Monday Missouri River Fishing Report 6.19.23 Flows will be dropping, this month? Maybe. Dropping today to 11750. Helena Valley Irrigation requesting some water. Not a reflection of dropping or hovering inflows. Toston inflows creeping back up. Today 11500. Lake is…