Headhunters Fly Shop open all week long. Thanksgiving Day we will be open 8-12, our traditional hours on this holiday.
Cool light, cool bugs, cool bucks, and cool birds on the Missouri this week.
Mink, Muskrat, and River Otters abound as well.

The fall is a great time to see all kinds of wildlife in Montana. Golden and Bald Eagles as well as the Osprey are fattening for the winter. Blue Herons are always on the hunt!
Really a cool time of the year and we are nearly through the fall session. The leaves are all gone. The ground cover, the hillsides, and most of the vegetation has become the color of winter. Tan.
Winter is nearing. But we are still blessed with another strong month in the Swing Season.
Until then we will certainly enjoy the cooler temperatures and hotter fishing. Mother Mo fishes well through this holiday week into Christmas Joy next month. The next couple of moons are two of the best all year.

Get out and enjoy the fall season wherever you are. Only too soon will we be spending more time on the couch than we need!
Headhunters Fly Shop open all week long. Thanksgiving Day we will be open 8-12, our traditional hours on this holiday.