Friday Throwback Foto from John. Mark is basking in the glorious Houston rainstorm sun this week, so here’s my ode to a Springtime Swing. Jim Chalmers getting it done on the lower river.
Missouri River Spring Tips Why not include the Missouri River Spring Weekend Tips in the fishing report? Yes, we do help you out here on the Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service Fishing Report from the information leaders here in downtown…
Missouri River Guide Rates @ $550 thru March 31 Last weekend was wonderful. Winter like? Nope. 67F and sunny, mostly calm. Snow this past Monday but is currently disappearing back into the ground. What a great time to knock the…
Just Add Vise Kit Frenchie w/ Video Still tying boatloads of Frenchie fly patterns this spring. Zebra’s, Frenchie, and Little Green Machines. May be all you need for a great nymphing day all season long! And sow bugs. Love this…
Missouri River Spring-ish Week All good here in downtown Craig Montana. A couple big events this past week in Craig include the opening of Izaak’s Restaurant for the season. Open 5 days a week, Wednesday thru Sunday, for the remainder…
Best Time to Fish the Missouri River for Beginners A common question we get here at Headhunters as we book guide trips and lodging for first time or beginner anglers…is When should I come? Best Time for Beginners We here…
260 Patterns! Nymph, Dry Fly, Streamer SALE! Only $1 Check out the Nymph, Dry Fly, and Streamer Sale Prices at only $1 Online here. Another 60 new patterns on top of the recent 40 new patterns added! Go and look, fill…
Mid Month, Mid Week, Mid Day. Water temps creeping upwards. Still a long way to go for the spring, true sunshine based spring to arrive. Even though on the calendar we see Spring 2025 in our sights. I do see…
Seen yesterday on the Missouri River in broad daylight. Yep. Bigfoot, Yeti, Speyfoot? Bigfoot is a Spey Caster? He’s a pretty good 2 handed caster. He likes SAGE rods. And he believes in catch and release. He doesn’t eat trout?…
Pretty stoked to have aCraig Montana opening up as we move ever closer to spring. Vernal Equinox this coming Friday and Izaak’s will be open beginning this coming Thursday A format change for Izaak’s 2.0 leaning towards more informal dining…
Friday Foto Spring Water It’s great to be out there daily. We are so fortunate to live and breathe the Majestic Missouri River. It does not escape us. The privilege to drift this dry fly Disneyland. Wonderful. Enjoy your weekend.…
March Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast The first thing that most anglers ask on the phone is if we are gonna have high water. The second question is if we will have low water. Then the third is if we…
Love spring. For some the favorite season of the the year. The grass in becoming greener, the snow is less frequent, the refreshing smells of spring, smiles come easier, and we become comfortable enjoying the longer afternoons and rising temperatures.…
Spring Tune Up w/ a Guide Trip @ HH of Craig $550 Guide Trips through the remainder of the March for all of you who want to get tuned up before the season really starts rolling. Yep, save $150 off…
Missouri River Seasonal Water Update Check it out. Water projections. All based on the amount of precipitation falling from the sky. Again, do your snow and rain dances. Please. Looking for average water this year. We love the averages. Mother…
1 Goal for Winter If I had to choose 1 goal for winter, it would be… Understand that every cast has an ending. A stopping point. And it, the tip, is closer to vertical than horizontal. Finishing with the rod…
Dry Fly Fishing De-Evolution Is dry fly fishing experiencing De-Evolution? Is Euro nymphing, right angle nymphing, guide assisted drift nymphing considered evolution? That component of the sport is evolving. The nymph patterns evolving. Truly. The nymph type, typical cast? Static.…
Zappa. Montana. ’73 It’s a new week. Snow today. Play Zappa loud. For those who don’t “get Zappa”, so sorry. If Frank makes your ears hurt, or just confuses you, or you don’t understand the music? Elton John may be…
Thinking about fishing memories this past week. The moments I remember the most, that live in my minds eye, the moments that I can play in my mental movie theater are not the moments I am holding the rod. Nope.…
Lots of folks call the shop and inquire about guide services. Many of you who have not had the wonderful opportunity to be guided before will be in for a trout fishing treat. Squeeky’s father suggested he write this blog…
Last Week Winter! This week Spring? Truly a turn in the weather from last week thru this week. WOW! -26F Wednesday past. 51F today Monday. Only 77F difference. Boat ramps including the upper river ramps clear. Holter Dam, Wolf Creek,…
Just Add Vise Kit Fall Super Sale Yes, 40% OFF and, BUY 2 GET 1 FREE…get a bundle, give them as gifts, stock up, save money, gather Mo River tools like these great fly patterns for this wonderful resource. Today…
RIO POWERFLEX PLUS TIPPET 50YDS 50% OFF $5.99 Yes, big sale on the RIO POWERFLEX PLUS tippet for 50% off @ $5.99. Stock up for the season. Want to save more dollars? HH of Craig $1 Fly Sale with 200…
Weekend Fishing Report for the second half of February Emerging from the damn cold last couple weeks. Lots of great snow too! Bring more please as the next 4 months equal the snow that we rely on fore the summer…
So you wanna be a trout bum. The first thing I would tell you is to finish your degree and pursue a normal career. If you don’t want to go the smart route, and spend the rest of your life…
You like to huck junk? (changed a typo here that was pretty funny!? Thanks to MT for pointing it out to me!) Yeah, we do too, sometimes. If this is you game, and you like have fly lines to accomplish…
RIO GOLD XP Fly Line One line for the Mighty Missouri River? Fish the nymph in the morning, fish the dry in the afternoon, and if you like a bit of sunset streamer angling this is your fly line! Spool…
Snowy here in central Montana and beyond. Is it time to re-focus today. In February. Often a gloomy month for the angler. But don’t let the month that brings many of us down. I believe this is a depressing month.…
Fishski Video Fishski Video today in snowy, cold Montana from Scumliner Media. Seemed appropriate as we move through this week of more and more cold and snow. Good news. So the Missouri River slopes are primed for some killer POW…
Headhunters Fly Shop Hiring 2025 Headhunters Fly Shop hiring for shuttle and shop staff 2025. Yes, we begin to gather all stars for the Missouri River fishing season. Want to come join us for the next dry fly campaign? Want…
Missouri River Water Update The projection for the upcoming year. Will it change? Oh yeah. Got the wettest months of the year ahead of us. June, May, April in that order top 3 wet months. Love the new chart form.…
Snow Days. Bitter Cold. Maybe (probably) Closed this Weekend. 4th storm in a month. Definitely winter here in central Montana. Bring it. It is February. Historically cold and sometimes snow laden. Some times below zero temps hold us for a…
Many of you know Tito Puente from Oye Como Va fame. yeah, he wrote that. Today he is playing Take Five. Another famous tune written by Paul Desmond and made famous by The Dave Brubeck Quartet. The biggest selling jazz…
Friday Foto TAKF Think about fishing with your kids this year. You should fish more often with your kids. Or go outside with them. Even if you have to drag them out. Take a Kid Fishing this year. Plan it…
Missouri River February Fishing Forecast 2025 Welcome to February. Football is nearly over, baseball is around the corner, and the fishing has been above average, when the weather has let us get out there. We are getting nearer to spring…
Wednesday Montana Missouri River Fishing Report Not too much. Windy today, warm, 50F. Colder as the weekend arrives with a side of snow. Bring it. Most are fishing from the Dam or WC. Ramps cool today, but could be compromised…
$1 Online Fly Sale, In-Store Specials, Late January Cold and snow on the ground. Warming this week and may see some anglers on the water with air temps crawling into the 40’s! Lots of good sale stuff happening too. Shop…
Snow on the ground in the past couple days. 6″ in Cascade, lesser around. Cold? Yes. Too cold? No. Sun out today. A perfect afternoon. Nymphing with big pink flies. Effective. The fish are in slow water but found several…
Hump Day Winter Forecast A winter weather pattern has descended upon us here in central Montana. Finally. Snow a couple ties this past week spitting a couple inches each storm. Today spitting more snow with air temps crawling out of…
Your one stop fly fishing source in Craig Montana. Call today for summer fly fishing help. Like guides, rental boats, Craig Montana lodging, on-line fly fishing equipment, trout-spey information rods, lines, and gear, and pretty much anything trout related. We…
Redington Taco Tour Video w/ Mark Raisler of Headhunters Fly Shop Had a ball tossing PMD dries, drinking Special Beers, and making Birria Tacos with Guide Mario Guel of Redington last summer. Just viewed long time friend Wayne Peterson of…
January Missouri River Water Update Looking normal. We would love to get to the water levels we did last spring and early summer. Average water levels are good. Let’s head that route. Doing snow dance(s) daily. You? Plan your summer…
#TBT Depth Perception Video Throw Back Thursday brings you Depth Perception by Scumliner Media. This throwback vid filmed in late July 2011. Between storms here in central MT. More snow this weekend. A bit warm today with air temps creeping…
Closed today Monday Out for the cold and primarily snow today. A bit sketchy for the drive for the staff. Back in the store tomorrow. Well below freezing as well. Guides may freeze up after two casts. Save them for…
Craig Montana January 2nd 2025 Currently 8F in downtown Craig Montana. High of 14F today. Snowing. Calm. Quiet. Only thing happening is the phone ringing. What? Yeah, booking 2025 guide trips, lodging, and otherwise. Questions too. Lot so of ’em.…
Happy New Year 2025! Thanking you and all of our friends and guests. Thank you for a very nice 2024. Looking forward to the best yet? Always hoping. The true drive of any angler. Hope. We hope to see you…
Hurricane Helene, a Category 4 storm, made landfall on Thursday, September 26th, in Northwestern Florida before moving through Georgia, Western North Carolina, and Eastern Tennessee. The ensuing winds and heavy rains caused unimaginable flooding and damage to small towns in…
One of the great John Cusack Quotes What do you want to do? Are you doing it? Did you have a crossroads decision at one point? We all did. This is a fantastic scene with John Cusack in Say Anything…
Ed Note: Wrote this 6 years ago. Still pertinent in today’s world. Happy Holidays. Enjoy the Ed piece today and have a great weekend! Things Squeeky learned about teaching fly fishing this year I was fishing with an individual who was…
Swing Season Tuesday Scenery Swinging this Tuesday. Happy Holidays. If you are in the neighborhood swing by for a cup of coffee. And a fishing chat. Get your hands on a Headhunters Fly Shop Gift Card for you, your neighbor,…
Christmas Spey by Jeff Kennedy Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. Wishing you the best today, this week and throughout the upcoming year. Thanking all of you for a fantastic 2024. Looking forward to a wonderful 2025. A cool Christmas…
Pretty boring in town in this winter month, specifically pre-Christmas as we are located in the middle of nowhere. 45 miles from both Great Falls and Helena. Not too close for Christmas shopping. But, we do have a great new…
Mid December Missouri River Fishing Report Just saw the water dip below the federally mandated, suggested, lows of 2800cfs. Now back to 2920cfs. Frightfully low below the 2800 mark. Let’s keep the water up, message to water managers. A good…