Clean. Drain. Dry.

Clean. Drain. Dry.

Follow these rules and stop the spread/growth of invasive species here and beyond. Your duty as an angler, boat owner, all around good human being.

I pull the weeds from my craft at the boat ramp daily. I do a perimeter check making sure all garage is inside, weeds are gone, water is gone and the craft is on the way to drying completely.

Easy. Takes a couple minutes extra work a day for your Boat to be Clean, Drained, and Drying. Pretty easy in the hot high sun.

Some speak from the FWP sites Clean. Drain. Dry

CLEAN: Completely remove all mud, water and vegetation before leaving access area.
  • Cleaning will remove visible large-bodied organisms attached to or in watercraft or recreational equipment. Rinsing with water removes organisms, while hot water often kills them.
    • Water at least 120°F is recommended; be sure to avoid contact with skin and check manufacturers’ recommendations to ensure equipment can withstand high temperatures.
    •  If hot water is not available or may cause damage, rinsing with tap water and completely drying will help prevent spread of aquatic invasive species.
  • Inspect your boat, trailer, and all gear. Pay attention to crevices and hidden areas.
  • Remove all mud and vegetation.  Use a pressurized power sprayer found at most do-it-yourself car washes.  The hot water kills organisms and the pressure removes mud and vegetation. No need to use chemicals or soap.
  • Dispose of vegetation and debris in trash or on dry land away from water or ramp.
DRAIN: All water from watercraft and equipment.
  • Draining removes small and nearly invisible organisms such as invasive mussel larvae (veligers) that can be found in standing water.
  • Drain or remove water from boat, bilge, live well, engine, internal compartments, and bait buckets by removing drain plugs before leaving the access area.
DRY: Your watercraft and equipment. Aquatic invaders can survive only in water and wet areas.
  • Dry your watercraft and fishing equipment thoroughly; this will kill most invasive species.  The longer you keep your watercraft, trailer, waders, and other equipment outside in the hot sun, the better.
  • Drying is necessary as many organisms can survive in standing water.
  • Dry in the sun (drying times will vary) or use a towel.

Specifically designed for anglers reads below…

  • CLEAN off plants, animals, and mud from gear and equipment including waders, footwear, ropes, anchors, bait traps, dip nets, downrigger cables, fishing lines, and field gear before leaving water access. Scrub off any visible material on footwear with a stiff brush.
  •  DRAIN water from waders, watercraft, motor, bilge, bladder tanks, livewell and portable bait containers before leaving water access.  Replace with spring or dechlorinated tap water when keeping live bait before leaving water access.
  •  DRY everything five days or more when moving between waters to kill small species not easily seen OR wipe with a towel before reuse.
  • DISPOSE of unwanted bait, fish parts, and packing materials, in the trash; do not dump them in the water or on land.
  • Use non-felt soled boots to further reduce the risk of spreading aquatic invasive species.



aquatic invasive species, Cldan, conservation, Drain, Dry
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