February Blues and a Couple High Points

February Blues and a Couple High Points

February Blues and a Couple High Points

February pretty much sucks.

Historically average fishing, that means for the winter months. Not comparing the February fishing to the summer months, but comparing it to the winter months. And average is just that.

Milk Toast.

The good news is the advent of some good midge action. Yessir. On top no less. So tune up your dry fly spider senses and be ready.

Pretty good midge action, locally in the last week. Will it be a good one this year? Last year not too bad. Didi get a few here and there.

Snow this past weekend. Blowing really quite hard the past couple days. Monday and Tuesday not too nice out there.

How about those other high points Squeeky? Yeah, I thought I would have thought of a couple by the time I got to here, writing this blog. But I haven’t. I’ll bang out a couple anyway…

Trout Spey Continues: Decent swing reports for the month. Skagit only, deep tips like T-8 and T11 if you dare, heavier TC Tips and IMOW Tips, leech like flies. Don’t disregard the white fly either. Swing a couple runs. Go to Joe’s. Stop in for Montana’s Best in Trout Spey products and knowledge. Call too. We are your Trout Spey Source in Montana!

Nymphers Think Pink: Deep, slow, pink. Repeat 41 times. Row off. Go to Joe’s.

DFO Gang: Drive around till you see something rise. Stand. Stare. Talk yourself into walking out to the random sippers. Or not. Go to Joe’s.




February Blues and a Couple High Points
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