Guides v. Pitchers

Just because your ace is pitching today does not mean he will win the game.

Nope. Seen it a million times.

Your top hurler for your team has to endure lots of variables.

Stadium, air temps, humidity levels, fans, opposing batters, manager strategy, how the catcher is calling the game, soreness of his arm, and more.

He could pitch a two hitter, and lose. No bats for him today.

Similar situation for fishing guides.

Water temps, fish behaviors, barometer, water conditions, level of angler participation, mending abilities, casting prowess, guide and client communication line, fish hooked then lost during battle, back seat angler casting over front angler, missed net job, bad casting knots, etc.

Yes, just because you have a great fishing guide does not always clear the path for the win.

Nope. Seen it a million times.

Easy to blame the pitcher.

Easy to blame the guide.

Not as easy to blame yourself.

Think about the variables. The opportunities missed. 3-0 count, strike out looking?

The thought here today is that there are lots of challenges during any fishing day with a guide.

Casting practice this winter will help you put runs on the scorecard.

Don’t come to the game without skills. Your guide can only help you if you help yourself.

Just like the game of baseball fly fishing with a guide is a team event.

Take some batting practice this winter. Casting practice. Familiarity with the rod in your hand produces better outcomes.


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1 Comment.

  • Does that mean the fish is the umpire? They ultimately will let you know if you are throwing balls or strikes. I like that because I still have someone to blame. I have had some really inconsistent umpires over the years.

    I love this analogy. It could go on for pages.

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