Headhunters Fly Shop Big Labor Day Sale today through Monday at the fly fishing superstore in downtown Craig Montana.
Tomorrow, Sunday is the BIG 50% OFF ALL FLIES in the store. And we have a bundle. Ninch says come on in and clean us out. Streamers, Hoppers, small techy Missouri River nymphs, and all the dry flies you’ll need for the Mighty Mo! Stock up for fall and winter. Spring? Yep get all those killer pink nymphs tomorrow!
Today through Monday we have killer deals on all sun shirts at 40% off! We have gone bonkers and lowered the prices even further than advertised. 40% off all sun shirts.
- 50% off 12wt gloves and headwear
- 40% all Logo’d Headhunters Hats
- ECHO Demo reels with lines start at $39.95
- Demo Rods from SAGE, Echo, Orvis, Loomis at rock bottom prices.
- Spend $100 and get a FREE SHUTTLE COUPON!
- Lots of used fly lines, reels, oars, and much more.
- Tons of miscellaneous items for discounted prices.
- BBQ Sunday for your shopping pleasure.
- Mountain Khaki, SIMMS, SAGE, Rio, Loomis, Echo, Cortland, Airflo, Orvis, 12wt., Dr. Slick, Sharktooth, Howler Bros, Chaco, Fishpond and many more brands at end of the summer prices. Stop in this weekend for the best prices of the year!

Can I mail order some flies on Sunday, or phone order them and pick them up next time I’m over there?