Missouri River Montana Fishing Report reporting some of what happened this last week on the Mo from the Dam to at least Pelican Point. Some anglers below towards Cascade as well.
Lodging in Craig is booming and Izaak’s is open for the season! Izaak’s open daily @ 3pm for cocktails and dinner at 4pm. Stop in Craig for your full service experience. They will be closed Mondays through April but open the rest of the week. Joe’s is always open for your late night hang!
The fishing is getting better as the days pass by this spring. Consistent fishing is arriving as the the grass becomes greener. Nearly all businesses open in Craig. Almost. The Taco Cart not up to speed quite yet.
The weather sours starting today while the trout wear bigger smiles.
Headhunters Missouri River Fishing Report
Hot hatches on the horizon include our generally good spring baetis and the continuance of midge flies. Both will be gracing us with daily emergences this coming week. A few BWO’s out and about this last week. Meaning a few, like 3 seen recently. More to come soon. In conduction with the snow flurries panned for the week ahead? Maybe. You’ll just have to be here to witness it.
Bigger flies on the surface as well as our spring stones can be found under rocks too. Still a month out from the March Browns. Let’s play with the existing insects first.
Nymphers are out daily fishing all the way from the dam to ? How low can you go…
Streamer anglers stripping as well from top to bottom. Dry lines, intermediate tips, and some who like to go deeper yet. Hickman’s and Coffey’s and Kraft patterns are getting it done. Come by for the streamer super store in Craig. Open daily for your streamer fantasy at 8am.
Water temperatures continue their climb and stall occasionally. Like today, tomorrow.
Flows are in the lower 4K’s. Hiccuping this week is what we may see.

The weather will screw with us in the next few days. Check out the forecast and/or call us for the up to the minute fishing and weather reports.
I for one am packing a few Thermos’ products in my boat today along with hand warmers and a few pair of KAST gloves. W shave both the Raptor and Steelhead models for your spring fishing pleasure. Try the SIMMS ProDry as well. The HH staff love these as well!
Lots of winter and early spring pieces in stock at Headhunters. We truly are your Missouri River Spring Specialists! While the rest are still ramping up we are in full spring swing. Stop in for a hot cup of Joe and fill your Thermos on us. See you before and after your wintery weather