Just Add Vise Kit Fall Super Sale
Yes, 40% OFF and, BUY 2 GET 1 FREE…get a bundle, give them as gifts, stock up, save money, gather Mo River tools like these great fly patterns for this wonderful resource.
Today is a good day for the Fly Tyers out there. If you like your materials in kit form and are not a full time, or wanna be full time fly tyer, these spectacular all inclusive Just Add Vise fly tying kits fit your bill!
19 varieties to choose from including Missouri River greats such as Corn Fed Caddis, Fruit Roll-Up, Frenchie, Crayfish, Little Green Machine, Thin Mint, Rainbow Czech Nymph, Firebead Ray Charles, Tailwater Sow Bug, Improved Unabomber, Grape Slushy, Pink Lightening Bug, Tung Dart, Foxee Minnow and more!
Tie 25 flies with each kit as it includes all the materials, including the 25 hooks You will commonly have materials left such that you could grab more hooks of your bench and tie even more. These kits have full bags of dubbing, thread, and the materials. We did not cheap out on these kits. Nope.
Need hint on how to tie flies from your JAV Kit? No worries man. Scan the QR code and watch the short and to the point videos for each fly! The incredible videos created by Scumliner are just perfect. No talking, just tying. Short and sweet.
Check out all of the Just Add Vise Kits patterns on sale today at CraigFlyShop.com or click on the Shop Online tab at the top right of the page.
Save a ton of dough at 40% OFF, tie some flies, and catch some fish!