March Missouri River Water Order has come down the pike from the water managers in Helena.
It will probably not be a terribly high water year. Just a guess really. The image above is June 2010 w/ Kelley Lasek on the boat ramp at Mid Canon. On it. That is the old road upriver of the ramp, looking towards the VIP Ramp.
I doubt we will witness that this year. I may have jinxed it?
March Missouri River Water Order
Looks like the general lack of snowpack has started to affect the outflows this spring. The managers, US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, emailed today and stated that flows will be dropping to 4500cfs. Is that reason for alarm?
No not really.. But more common spring flows, the flows we like, are higher than predicted. Generally in a higher snow pack position the flows would be higher, or remain at the 5K mark for longer finally moving upwards to allow for an average run off period.

Will we see low water this year? Maybe.
Mother Nature is the designer and she has yet to let us in on her entire plan.
The wettest months are ahead of us in April , May, and June.
Stephanie Micek of the BOR stated that the snow on the ground in mid April is really what dictates the spring run off period.
We are fortunate as many of you know that a non-fishing run off period is not what we are talking about. But we are talking about consistent flows above 4000cfs for the summer months. And what ever you desire for the spring and early summer flows are we can all agree that Missouri River water flows above 4K make the late summer and autumn period much nicer.
The projected flows for the summer ahead as you can see below. There really is nothing wrong with 10K for a couple weeks. My opinion here.
If I was a gambler I would bet a case of beer on summer flows being…?
Mark…..any more thoughts about the flow June/July?
I remember some years we had some serious rain in June… this what is going to take to get those flows above 3500? CFR is 81% with incoming at 12,500 or so……can we expect larger inflows in the 6 weeks?
We expect no higher flows at all. That is my guess.
No expert but snow pack is 80% of normal and Canyon Ferry is only 82% full. Unless late rain I predicts low water year and minimal big run-off.
Also, please pay your taxes today Bigfoot is an endangered species and need government support. If he has no money he may bring my wife back.
Yup. Agreed Bigfoot.