Just so you know. This Friday, Saturday and Sunday we will be hosting Mike McCune & Whitney Gould’s Spey Casting clinics. The classes filled up long ago, so don’t call the shop to sign up. You’ll have to wait until 2016. We’ve been out swinging the Missouri with Mike and Whitney for last few days. Great, great folks. The above picture shows Mike “Pokin’ it” down around Cascade yesterday. Caught some nice fish.
The clinic will be held at the house formerly known as “Cabin on the Flats”, just below Craig (Hemingway Flats). So, if you launch at Craig this weekend, don’t be surprised to see a small group of anglers working on their two-handed technique with a couple of the worlds best.
If you want to meet Mike and Whitney, you may be able to find them around the shop in the evenings. Hint: Mike drinks PBR.