Swing Pic

Saturday Swing Pic

Saturday Swing Pic

Enjoying the solace here on the Missouri River near Craig Montana.

Late fall-ish windy and cold weather has settled in here in Craig.  It will continue through the new year, beyond into the spring months.

Get used to it. I know we do.

All the while fantasizing about longer days, insects popping from watery beginnings, and the sonnet of sipping trout.

Until then we focus on the art of trout spey.

Headhunters is your home office for all things 2HTROUT.

Info. gear, technique, casting instruction from long standing experts, vids to watch, guides to hire.

Call today. Open daily 9am.

End of the week here in Craig. Closed early today at 230ish for an employee festival.

Get your gifts in the mail soon! Need help on that front? Call or go online and help your friends and family out.

Get yourself something, real nice, too.

2HTROUT, Mid Week Swing Pic, Swing, Trout Spey
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