Mike McCune will be returning again this spring offering two days of intense Spey instruction in Craig. We are offering two different 1 day session with Mike on March 31, and April 1. Class size is limited to 3, so you’ll be getting lots of hands-on instruction with one of the best two-handed casters and instructors in the business. Mike’s clinics are especially helpful for those seeking to learn the finer points of sustained anchor casting with Skagit heads. We recommend that you have some experience casting and fishing with a two-handed rod before attending, as Mike’s clinics are not what we’d call 100 level.
Where’s Whitney?
Whitney may show up at the clinic, but likely she’ll be on the river as a guide for Headhunters this season. We’re super stoked to have a multiple World Champion caster on our guide staff this year, and you can always hire Whitney for a day of Troutspey on the Missouri if you want to get some personal instruction from one of the best.
Sign Up
Call the shop at 1-877-379-3597 or 406-235-3447 to sign up for Mike’s clinics. With such a limited number of spots available, they will go quick. Bring your own gear, so Mike can work with you and the rod/line combo you are accustomed to. If you haven’t gone “troutspey” yet, we will have some ultra-light rods available for you to try out. That’s a big reason Mike will be on the Missouri River this spring!
Cost is $200 per person, and lunch will be provided.