Does anyone else think this is ludicrous?
Boy I do.
So I will probably watch it.

I came from a time where Iron Mike was one tough SOB and cartoons were part of my daily diet. Now Mike Tyson is a whack job and cartoons are still part of my diet.
Remember those early fights? Way before Mike was allowed to destroy himself?
They were just awesome. Check out Mike below with his best knockouts ever.
Read what the LA Times reporter Robert Lloyd has to say here.
So if you need a bit more ridiculousness in your life, beyond dry fly fishing for fiicky trout on the Mo…then watch Mike Tyson Mysteries on Adult Swim/Cartoon Network.
You missed the premier last night, but I am sure you can get it on the interweb somewhere…
Watch Iron Mike’s Best Knockouts below if cartoons are not your thing.
Happy Tuesday.
Check out the trailer of the show below.
1 Comment.
I was a kid when MT was in his prime. Favorite quote: ‘Everyone has a plan, until he gets punched in the face.’
So true. So darn true.