If you missed a few days…that would be OK

If you missed a few days…that would be OK

Blowing and no bugs. That is the current situation here on the Missouri River.

But the streamer fishing is good. The  swinging is good.

And the mood is good. It’s quiet. That’s good too.

Looks like snow in the forecast. I’ll believe it when I see it.

The buzz at the shop is the 2 handed Trout Spey game. Ninch, Sara, Dewey, and Braden are all hopped up on line choices, tips, rods, Skagit, and of course Scandi.

We are open if you are out wandering central Montana. The phones are popping too with  pre-booking the 2017 season. Popular lodging along with our crack staff of guides has many getting their dates not eh books early. It’s never too early to plan for June and July ’17. Those hot months go fast. Those sitting on their hands might get burned. Or find themselves living in a van down by the river.

So if you miss a few days here on the river it will be OK. No fall BWO’s as of yet. Pretty anemic fall dry fly bite. A few moments of brilliance, but they were certainly few and far between. Disappointing.

Not trying to bum anyone out at all. Speaking truths. Not all that great for our favorite discipline of Headhunting. We may have a few of the larger olives show at some point. Not holding my breath any longer.

So we swing. And the swingers are a level headed lot. Some days get a few, others not too many looks.

They generally possess a personality trait that consists of 50% hope, and 50% don’t give a shit.

The ultimate goal is to spend some time knee deep in the river doing something you love. Outside, not in the office, is the objective. Some now time. In the moment living.

It’s healthy.


So see you either this week, or next or in the spring. Be aware that we are here in the shop drinking a bit too much coffee pardon the overpowering coffee breath re-tooling spey rods with the correct lines, and prepping for the next swinging Missouri River adventure.

Stop in and join the coffee party. You are definitely welcome here in downtown Craig Montana.


late fall, No Bugs, November, Swinging
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  • Your post appeared a little later in the day today, Mark. Thought perhaps the HH shop was under siege by angry DFOs demanding you change the course of Mother Nature and cause their catch counts to soar. Sorry, man. Sure you hear that all summer. But you are the Great and Powerful Fishing Guide and the Mo is the yellow brick road.
    Pretty sure the bugs will come though. Let the water temp dip to the mid 40’s for a few days due to normal weather patterns. When it happens there will only be a few of us to see it and it may only last 2 or 3 days but the fish are over their end of summer jitters, so…
    To quote the voices Ray the fish farmer hears in the epic 80’s movie Field of Streams – ” If you fish it they will come”. Sorry man. Over the top.
    By the way- don’t think a green Mohawk and 20 piercings would be a good look for you but screaming in a mic and diving in a mosh pit sounds fun

  • Ah yes…to be 35 years old, living in a van, down by the river. Knowledge is wasted on the old.

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