Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.12.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.12.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report for March 12th 2015.

All is well on the Missouri River. Some folks around as we are enjoying a little early spring. Earlier than normal for sure.

Guide trips out nearly daily as we move toward the Headhunters Spring Special. Cheap lodging already and good all the way through the end of April. Couple $300 Missouri River Guide Trips with lodging starting @ $125/night in downtown Craig…a perfect spring get-a-way. Operators standing by.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.12.15

Not terrible. That is the long and short of it. Inconsistent is and has been the word.

If you are going through hell, keep going.

    -Winston Churchill

That is my analogy of the month. Lots of anglers confused as to what is happening out there on/in that hallowed Montana river. The answer is just this simple. Fish are not being caught in every kick ass winter run. It just is not that kind of winter fishing this year.

The key seems to be to keep on grinding. All day long. Ramp to ramp.

What does that mean? Well to us it means to keep on keeping’ on. Keep changing flies. Fool around with depth. Look for winter water. Break down this big river into small river recognizable components. Find that soft inside spot, even if it is only 10 yards long and half that in width. Look for those mini winter jewels and toss your flies in.

It means that the streamer anglers gotta keep on chucking, keep on ducking, keep on stripping, keep smiling. Same deal. Look away from the faster runs and seek out the shallower and quiet tailouts, inside lanes, and the road less travelled.

Dry fly fellas? Creep and look. Plan ahead. Pray for overcast skies. Be diligent in your approach. Don’t get into a hurry.

Fly fishermen are famous for never giving up. For pushing through. For conducting totally stupid and inane behaviors repeatedly. We advocate those personality intricacies. Insanity is part of this, fly fishing, lifestyle.

Bottom line is just this. Fish are not being caught in every winter run. Do not get stymied based on the first 4+ runs you fish. While they may have sucked, the next run may hold the Holy Grail. It just might. You gotta keep going. Keep drifting. Keep casting. Keep fishing.

Understand that and enjoy the entire day. Fish for the fun of it. For the challenge. For the fellowship. For the love of the outdoors. For you.

So when we see you in the local watering hole, Joe’s Bar on the north side of Craig, we understand your plight.

It can be hell out there. The Headhunters key to success?

If you are going through hell, keep going.

If you still need some egging on, some flies that may work, leaders, fly line cleaner, split shots, hot coffee, a warm body to chew the fat with, sunscreen, and Fly-Agra Headhunters open daily @ 8am.

fishing report, missouri river, Winston Churchill
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