The bulleted fishing report this Monday morning to get your engines running…
The weather is taking a turn for the better, meaning not as much sun, this week and the fish and fishermen will applaud this fall-like change.

The streamer anglers are arriving but they are not seeing the kind of inclement weather that they truly love. The two handers are getting revved up too and I think we will see some more about the newest in two-handed gear from John this week. Check out the OPST gear from a blog this last week.
Here is the Monday Morning Bulleted Fishing Report…
- The high and bright sun is bullshit. Not good for those unprotected fishy eyes. Mornings and evenings prove to be good fishing times. We lean towards the evenings because of the baby baetis that can provide some good dry fly action.
- Short leash the evening bite as well. The bugs can bring the fish nearer the surface and therefore the ‘shorty’ can be the key. A PT, GRHE, Rainbow Czech, Purple or Gold Weight Fly, WORM or something like that for the lead fly. We like a sow, small mayfly like the S&M, Micro May, Indigo Child, Red Headed Step Child, LGM, Pearl LB, Purple LB, Magic Fly, Ju-Ju BWO, and more. We got lots of Palsa Tabs in stock for your Short Leash pleasures.
- The entire river fishing well. Your choice. Longer floats can let you skip some of the softer water. The faster paced water has been producing better than the pond like areas. Get ’em in and watch them for the soft takes we have seen in those faster lanes.
- The traffic has picked up and Saturday was pretty busy. This week ahead? Don’t really know. We are moving out of September into a historically slower month of October. You coming?
- A good time to get that new dry fly line on your rod. BWO’s on the horizon. Good presentations should be on your radar. We have the entire line of RIO Fly Lines along with Wulff, Airflo to compliment your favorite fly rod.
- Missouri River flows are below 4K at 3760cfs and water temps hiving around the 60F mark. Water temps falling as we move into the real fall period.
- Shop open open day @ 7am for shuttles, flies, fly lines, fall clothing, HH logo wear, gloves, demo two handed rods, the only spey line selection in the canyon, and SIMMS gear.