Big Game hunting is finished but Upland-bird season is still going strong for many Montana sportsman, and the mild weather we’ve been having has created some great conditions for wing-shooters. Our upland hunting expert Sara Roholt can be hard to find around Craig this time of year. If she’s not in the shop (only 4 days a week in the off season), she’s probably following her dogs Waylon and Sturgill through the wide open country of eastern Montana, along with her husboyfriend and Missouri River guide Kurt Michels.
In this part of Montana, hunters like Sara employ pointing dogs while pursuing Hungarian Partridge and Sharptail Grouse. “Sharpies” are our native birds around here. Cool critters that evolved on the cold and windy prairie. These two species hold best for pointers, but if a Cock Pheasant gets up, he dies too. While most hunting takes place on private property, Montana’s excellent Block Management hunting program allows hunters to access a massive amount of private property. Sara has this program dialed, but also secures access using her wit and charm on other farms and ranches.
If you’re interested in learning more about upland hunting in Montana, and specifically how to gain access to private property, we do not recommend talking to Sara. She won’t tell you a thing.

Cool post! I remember when Sturgill was the cutest tiny puppy!
This explains why when I called the shop last spring to find out what was hatching, Sara said “huns and chukars…”