Headhunters guide JP Basile contacted me the other day asking us to let readers know that this is the final week from commenting on proposed regulations changes in Washington, some of which apply to Wild Winter Steelhead on the Olympic Peninsula (there are actually many rules changes to go through if you wish, affecting not only the Peninsula but other regions as well).
Highlights that will strike a cord with many of you include:
Adopt “No Fishing From a floating Device” rules on select streams.
Adopt Selective Gear regulations in North Coast Steelhead Streams.
Prohibit Wild Steelhead Harvest.
PROHIBIT WILD STEELHEAD HARVEST is so long overdue, and a testament to the shitty fisheries management my home state of Washington has long practiced.
Please click on the link below to see the rules changes and comment on them! You only have until Nov. 12 (Thur) to make your voice heard.
It only takes a few minutes to act.
Bottom line? If you’re a conservation minded angler – and love Steelhead – these regulations are a no-brainer. They promote the health and future of Steelhead on the OP. They address the poor-practices of non-forward thinking anglers, the overall user experience, user conflict and Steelhead catch mortality. Most important, they promote the health of WILD STEELHEAD, the only kind that matter.
Below is a passionate note from JP, along with some pictures of his wife Teal and their family exploring the waters of the Olympic Peninsula:
I looked over on the couch where my oldest boy was asleep. He is now three, but his first trip to the OP he was just 3 months old. That was and still is my favorite trip up there. A week dragging him down the river in the rain, my wife feeding him on gravel bars, changing diapers in the raft, and we even had some decent fishing. It’s now in his blood. He has floated more steelhead rivers in his first three years than I did by thirty. So, when the thought of my son not able to teach his son or daughter about these special fish hit me, the parental instinct kicked in.
I instantly wanted to scream what these fish mean to us. I now wanted to share that, Steelhead will do that to you. They have a power that is unexplainable, not physical but spiritual. So to say this place and these fish are special is true and I want you to know that, if protecting them means more people, I will have to live with that to. I am asking anyone who is interested in helping save these fish for our future generation of Steelheaders to take two minutes and voice your opinion.