Out doing a little spey fishing with Missouri River first-timers Greg and Sam yesterday. The swung fly was not incredibly productive, but we did manage to score a few times. Thats Greg landing a nice Brown above. These guys are all about the two-hander, and pushed it into the wind all day on the lower river. Fishing reports are varied right now, with most guides calling it “good enough but not great”. Plenty of smaller rainbows especially in the Canyon and below. Some nice Brown Trout around with that springtime aqua sheen on the gill plate.
Enjoy the weekend wherever you’re playing. If you’re in Craig, Izaaks opened last night, and the ribs looked great as usual.

Really enjoyed our visit and the time in your water. The Headhunters crew is awesome. Brewing up a return visit in late Fall. What wind?
Gregg, it was good having you and Sam around too! We’ll see you in the fall.
Good to be had Braden…..you guys rocked it for a couple of goofs from the Midwest!