Seeking Perfection

Seeking Perfection

Seeking Perfection John Gryzbek

Thanks John G for submitting. I have read it several times and it is sinking in. This author is really enjoying the words here in this poem. Very nice.

“Good drifts near fish”… words from an impassioned spirit born of the River echo above the music of riffles embedded in this Montana stream …

The words are meant to teach not entertain, and eminate from insight earned not by birthright nor business succession, but from years of leaning relentlessly with a burning passion into this River and its multi-colored jewels which seek nor want of attention…
“Good drifts near fish”…perfection I learn is not sought, demanded, expected nor rewarded by the targets of my dreams of this River, nor the River’s Spirit…
But we are taught, encouraged and instructed from the moment light enters our eyes that there is but one path, that perfection yields success, and with such comes joy, happiness, peace and calm…
Our earliest memories are often soaked in bleach, recipients of cleansed instructions on life imparted from those tired and broken, whose vantage points are blurred from the pain of their failures, the fear of realizations of a path chosen, as much as the path turned away from…
“Good drifts near fish”… a metronome is used to demand compliance, that there is but only one way, that every line cast forward towards hope may only extend outward to that which we seek by reaching backward in perfect time, unknowingly touching the pain and fears of our past out of seeking a perfect loop…
Mountains, blue sky and solace from the worries of yesterday, today and tomorrow are framed by laughter, peace and calm as loud as any reel being opened by the run of the River’s ruby colored inhabitants…
There is no life noise on this River, and whatever vestiges of fear based thoughts remain are washed over by the gentle, peaceful and intoxicating rhythmic rise of a pod of the Rivers targets sitting within reach of my shaking hands …

“Good drifts near fish”…My eyes and focus look to my right… a sliding ribbon of blue pushing relentlessly away from me, from my reach my hoped for impact…but this River like all Rivers provides hope if one is simply willing to look away from that which is gone, pushing aside the past and instead turn towards the future the River’s endless upstream current promises….

Simple yet intentional words, shared with purpose and bathed in the purity of good intent, find a lasting home within my inner voice …
“Good drifts near fish”…these words will remain with me even when not heard nor spoken …like lyrics trapped by a scratch upon an album, these words are holding in place quietly, until my thoughts and memories return the needle of my inner voice back to the holding place, where the words and volume will hold timelessly the teachings of such good words…


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