Shop Small this Saturday at your local stores. Whether it be in the small fishing ‘burb of Craig or your hometown…do your community a favor and Shop Small this Saturday.
Wouldn’t hurt your local retailers to shop small on Monday too.

I too shop at big box, online, and cannot pull myself away from a Big Mac once in a while. But I also remember to spend at small specialty retail as much as possible. It’s good for all.
The dollars you spend at your local shops stay in the community. That is a benefit for you, your family, and your neighbors.
Just think a bit this holiday period and remember that your local businesses love you, need you, and help in more ways than the big box store.
Thanks again for reading this sometimes informational blog from The Missouri River.
We are your fly shop when you are in Craig fishing the Missouri. We can pop whatever you may need in the mail and it will arrive on your doorstep soon. Operators standing by @ 406-235-3447.
Headhunters open daily for anything you may need this month and next.
Happy Holidays from all of us here in Craig Montana.