Silly Saturday Scenery Upstream Cast
Checking this feller out casting upstream the other day.
Did not see him hook up but I left before he gave up.
I suggest he got what he was after. When I was watching him he repeatedly cast into the same lane, uphill, with precision and ease. Again, a caster like this guy usually wins a few battles.
I have always said that while we may not win the war, we can win a few battles.
Those fish out there are getting difficult. Some days are better than others int eh catching department. Seems like talking to folks apres fishing we always find that either the fish are in the right mood, or they are not. Top to bottom.Sometimes you hear some here stories. Others times…drinking helps numb the pain for either your casting arm, or your psyche.
Most of the anglers here on the Mo like to approach the fish and cast down and across. Some like to fish uphill. But, most include a reach cast and fool a few.
Be safe and sane this weekend. Fish with your family. Eat burgers. Drink beer. Celebrate ‘Merica.
Finally have one of your “military boats” reserved for 7/7. Looking forward to trying “er” out. Will stop by and pick up some “secret” bugs & stuff!! Happy Holiday!!!
Thank you for your service, Rick. As the ‘kids’ say, “‘preciate ya”.