Free 2 Handed Casting and Fishing Clinic yesterday hosted by Headhunters Fly Shop.
Full boat with 12 students and the weather actually did cooperate, mostly.
Calm and raining in the morning followed by wind, overcast, sun, calm, rain, wind…
No worries from the participants. Everybody was just awesome.
It may have been the most talented class we have had! The youngest crowd so far. Over half of the gang was under 35!

Many of the class enjoyed the opportunity to cast different 2 handed rods. Rods from SAGE including the Method 6126 (John and Mark love this rod!), 6119, and 7126. SAGE One 4116 and the 7116. Orvis Clearwater 11′ 6wt, Clearwater 11′ 7wt, and the Clearwater 11’9″ 7wt. T & T DNA in two lengths which the class thought was silky! And the T & T DNA is Ninch’s personal fav. Glass Echo Switch Rods including 11′ 6wt which Max is all in on this length, 12’6″ 6wt and the 12’9″ 7wt. And a few more you will just have to come in and see…
Remember we have better than 15 Spey/Switch Demo Rods for your pleasure. Headhunters Fly Shop is Montana’s Trout Spey HQ.
We have one more free 2 handed casting clinic on March 7th. Then Gould/McCune in April. The 11th and 12th with the 2 clinics that have nearly sold out. Just a few spots left. If we fill the 2 days we will add a 3rd day. Sustained anchor casts with these two world lass casters and instructors. Get in today!