Missouri River Fishing Report

Tuesday Fishing Report Missouri River Montana 10.15.24

Tuesday Fishing Report Missouri River Montana 10.15.24

Looking like fall out there. The leaves and the color changes are stunning right now. A great time to be spending time in the outdoors wherever you may stand. Certainly adds to the experience in my book.

Water Flows 3320cfs. Water Temps 57F. Weed levels relatively low. Angler levels in the middle, but a pretty busy river out there for mid October. Anything like May or June? Nope.

Bugs? Sorta. Localized, certainly. Tiny BWO’s in sizes 24-28. Match the hatch? No. BWO cripples, emergers, as well as the perennial favorite trout pattern we all know as the Parachute Adams. Love flavored ones are good too. Stimi’s to represent the October Caddis? Sure. Skittering fall caddis like a 14-16? Yes, fish an X-Caddis low in the water or a Corn Fed, Translucent Emerger, caddis emerged, TFP Party on Top Caddis, Missing Link, All Stages Caddis…

Nymphers loving the Sow Bug and small BWO pattern combo. Lots of both varieties at the shop with the Best Flies Under the Big Sky in our cozy fly shop in Craig. Short Leash is the norm this time of year. Some fishing deeper for the morning session and after lunch popping of 4th split shot and tossing the rig in to 12″-36″ of moving water.

The entire river fishing as it should. Top to bottom. Truly getting better as we move deeper into the fall session. Why not come and visit in November?

Fall like weather greeting us later this week? 50’s and 60’s daytime highs with the first overnight freeze of the fall at 30F on Thursday night. A few overcast days mixed in for good measure. Would like more of those please weather gods. Long term forecasts for little to no precipitation. Bring fall here before winter starts, please.

Swingers and strippers? Yes. Flashy for both? We love to see this gang as the fall progresses. November even better. Overcast skies help both of these disciplines. Lots of streamer fly lines going out the door this fall. A new streamer line can bring a smile to your face. Lots in stock and we will put in on your reel today! SA, RIO, AIrflo. 

A no pressure fishing report and information nearly daily on this fly fishing blog focussed on the fishing of the Missouri River Montana. We won’t forget about you the Mo River Lover as the fall and winter approach. Entertainment and info all 12 months. Wanna shop and support this free daily blog? Oh, we love you. Click and shop here at CraigFlyShop.com

Fall sale on items in store. Come by and save. Fly Shop open daily at 7am.

Izaak’s closed for the season, TapHouse and Stonefly Grill open thru the 27th, Friday-Monday. Weekends 12-8, bookends 4-8. Lazy I in Wolf Creek open 11-9 except Wednesday. Missouri River Inn @ Prewitt Creek daily 12pm-9pm. Both bars in Cascade open for food til about 9pm as well.

Shuttles, Guide Trips, Lodging, Skwala Outerwear, Rental Boats and waders and rods, Boat Cleaning Station, free perked coffee in the morning, ice, information and so much more at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service in dusty downtown Craig Montana.

P.S. Do your rain dance today.

A few Missouri River October Fly Fishing Tips, Fall, fishing report, October
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