USGS Holter Dam Gauge Malfunction
Spoke with Stephanie Micek of the USBR. She mentioned that the USGS gauge and the NorthWestern Energy gauge are not currently reading the same flows.
The USGS flow rate is reading 300cfs-400cfs higher than the NWE in turbine gauge.
So, of the USGS gauge reads 4,000cfs, it truly is not the flow. The flow is more likely 3,600cfs-3,700cfs.
USGS will re-evaluate the flow levels possibly soon. The previous gauge adjustment was not accurate due in part to the high volume of suspended solids.
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Later this week we will have updates in regards to the high nutrient load including the high volume of suspended solids frequenting the water column in the recent 6+ weeks. We are on it and finding answers. We will of course disseminate them right here on this blog when we find out more.