Whoa, what a weekend. Saturday saw the masses descend on Craig and the Missouri River. While there were plenty of fisherman, there was plenty more folks just getting out of the house and enjoying some flawless March weather. Sunny with highs just past 50. And no wind. Lots of families and kids. Lots of wade fisherman and lots of floaters. And great fishing.
We woke up to an inch or more of the white stuff Sunday. But by late morning the fog had burned off and the snow disappeared in a hurry. Mostly anglers showed up to enjoy the sun and the river. Anglers were nicely dispersed and distanced from the Dam through the Canyon. Reports were good for the most part. Shop rat Dick McGill came in last and reported his first 2020 fish on a dry fly. We should see more of that in the next couple of weeks.
The forecast for the rest of the week looks fantastic. And the fishing should only get better. If you’re looking to get in some great early season fishing, don’t forget our Spring Special is running right now. A great deal always, and even better considering the current fishing conditions.