Not for another month. Or sooner if the water temperature cools rapidly, which it may.
First we must get rid of this fireball and cover it nicely with some clouds.
Psuedo hell will ensue, before the big blue winged friends arrive.
Hotter than hell for the remainder of the weekend. Then cooler?
Successful BBQ last night with lots of fun @ Izaak’s Log Jam lit up w/ Rocket to Uranus.

A couple more days of this holiday, so enjoy it thoroughly. Be safe too! Some nut jobs out and about.
Demo rods on sale now along with flies that must go, collared shirts, flip-flops, NRS coolers, logo hats…
Not many anglers around, but lots of splash and giggles. So, give them some room. If you don’t like them intruding in your water, go early. Most of those cats don’t rise much before the crack of noon!
See you on the river. Stop in for late season deals and shuttles, info, life vests, anchors, free coffee.