Missouri River Guide Rates @ $550 thru March 31
Last weekend was wonderful. Winter like? Nope. 67F and sunny, mostly calm.
Snow this past Monday but is currently disappearing back into the ground.
What a great time to knock the rust off your casting arm and head out fishing with HH of Craig for $550. Save a buck 50 from summer rates.
$550 Full day guided on Montana’s Missouri River with Headhunters Guides. Lunch included, N/A beverages, flies, all tackle, waders if needed
Enjoy the day in the sun, hopefully, without touching the oars. W/O packing a lunch. Watch your spouse fish in the front of the boat without the yelling between you two. Just the fun part, the fishing, both of you! No tying knots either!
Learn about the Mo. Use the day to educate yourself on Mo River fishing techniques, types of water, great walk wade streamer runs, how to rig two fly nymph outfits, any Q’s you may have about improving your trout fishing game, and certainly Mo River Philosophy.
Take advantage of our resident guide pros and learn from the best. Give us a shout today 406-235-3447 to reserve your trip today. Call the Trout Hotline 406-235-3447 for any questions about current fishing reports, weather, river conditions.
We love to talk about trout!